Kasey Gelhausen
My name is Kasey Gelhausen and I've been hunting and loving the outdoors all my life. I grew up and live in Northern Wisconsin where I have been all of my life. Hunting has always been in my family and a yearly tradition that we looked forward to every year. Being a girl in a male dominant sport hasn't always been easy but it is what I loved to do and I won't let that stop me.
I am a Nurse, Wife and Mom of 2 sweet girls!! My husband also shares the love and passion for the outdoors as I do. From shed and turkey hunting in spring, scouting, shooting bow and fishing in summer, bow and gun hunting in fall and ice fishing in winter, we love to do it all!! We have already started introducing our girls to the outdoors and they absolutely love it! I can't wait until they are old enough to go hunting too!