"Can I see your phone again?"
This is it. It has finally happened. I’ve finally found a hunting tool that not only does my husband think is cool, he thinks it’s better than what he’s using.
After hearing Nature’s Paint co-founder, Sereena Thompson, talk about the BaseMap app I decided to test it out with the free trail of BaseMap Pro. I downloaded the app and hit the woods looking for morels. I was easily able to add a marker for the location of the truck, record my tracks, then take off.

The photo feature allowed me to take pictures of mushrooms I found along the way which made it easy to track the elevation and location of areas where mushrooms were growing. Additionally, by utilizing the wildfire and timber cuts layers, I was able to look for areas where morels might potentially be growing.

While I found the app useful during mushroom season, it wasn’t until hunting season that I truly realized how useful the BaseMap app was. As we set off from the truck in search of elk, we each set up our mapping apps in case we decided to separate. It wasn’t long before we had ventured out of cell service, but with BaseMap’s offline capabilities I had no issues. My husband’s mapping app however, was done for. The rest of elk season my husband was constantly asking to use my BaseMap app. Not only did my husband enjoy the variety of features and layers available in BaseMap in comparison to his other mapping app but the offline capabilities provided us both with peace of mind for our safety whether we were hunting together or solo.
Now with the new location sharing feature, no matter what I am out searching for, I feel safer than ever traveling off the beaten path as long as I have BaseMap in my pocket.
Be sure to visit BaseMap.com for more information, and take advantage of their10% discount on BaseMap Pro subscriptions when you purchase from their website.
Follow all of Jennifer's on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheWoodsmansWife/ and on Instagram at @thewoodsmanswife.