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I am an avid outdoorsman, and the majority of my time is spent outside, trekking through the woods and fields, around our home farm and traveling to different areas to hunt. One would think that that last sentence alone would be worth giving a second thought to tick-related illnesses, but unfortunately, that was not my case.

With the Spring warm up around the corner, that means Spring turkey seasons are too. Most people think of whitetails when using trail cameras in the field. With the increase in trail camera technology over the years, they have come along ways. Cell camera technologies are picking up steam and can be a huge help in the field.

"Have you ever wondered if the wild game you receive back from the butcher after having it processed is actually from your harvest? I know I have. This is one of the reasons my family and I prefer to process our own meat, when possible, not to mention how much more cost effective it is."

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