A couple of years ago I was in the market for a new arrow rest. I was currently using a whisker biscuit, and had been since I began bow hunting in 2007. Whisker biscuits do have their benefits. They are known for their reliability and leave little room for product failure. But after shooting with them for a while they will begin to be less accurate due to wearing down. You also do not get fletching clearance when shooting, so there is more friction causing your arrow to fly slower. Some may not care about speed but I prefer to have the highest speed possible since I am only pulling about 45 pounds on my bow.
I went to my local archery shop and they recommended trying the Pro V Limbdriver arrow rest by Vaportrail Archery. The Pro V is a drop away style rest but it is fail safe due to its “V” shape. The arrow has nowhere to go but into the “V” so you don’t have to worry about bumping the arrow off to the side while drawing your bow. The arrow lies in the exact same spot each time in the “V”, improving accuracy. (See picture)

Another thing I love about the Pro V is that after you shoot, the “V” drops itself fast enough that you have 100% fletching clearance, causing your arrow to fly more quickly. Plus you don’t have to worry about your fletchings wearing down and having to refletch arrows often, like I often did while using a whisker biscuit.
As a female bow hunter I highly recommend this product, especially to women looking for a great bow hunting arrow rest. The Pro V is very accurate and reliable and my groups have shrunk since I started using it. Vaportrail Archery also won the Bowhunting World Reader’s Choice GOLD award for their Pro V for 2014! It retails for about $129.99 and you can customize it with different color options (including pink) and custom engraving. Check out Allison's:

Check it out on the Vaportrail website here: http://www.vaportrailarchery.com/product/limbdriver-pro-v/