Tips for Air Travel (Part 2) – Finding Flight Pitfalls – The Carry-On Conundrum
Your mother always said; make sure you have extra clean underwear in your carry on. Though that is still true, there are a few other things you should consider in when packing your luggage before a hunting trip.
Your carry on. Yes, clean underwear is a must! But you should also consider what you will need if your luggage gets delayed and you have to hunt before your luggage is returned. First, your spare change of clothes. Most people pack a spare change of clothes in their carry on. If you are hunting, this spare change of clothes should be your most compact set of hunting clothes. Clothes are not the only important hunting gear you should pack in your carry on. Optics are a carry on must! If your checked bag or gun case is lost, chances are your outfitter will have a spare gun for you to use until yours arrives. The outfitter might also have some spare clothes you can borrow, but good spare optics… Make sure you pack your binoculars and your range finder in your carry on luggage.

Your checked bag. If you have a spare set of hunting clothes and your optics in your carry on luggage, the next step is packing your checked bag. Remember, all knives must be checked. Also, your ammunition must go in your checked bag. Ammunition cannot be transported in the gun case. Make sure you check ammunition regulations for your hunting location before you leave. Many countries have limits on amounts, calibers, and variety.

Your gun case. If you are taking your own gun make sure your gun case meets regulations. It must be a hard case with locks. Your gun should be stored with bolt out. Remember, no ammunition in your gun case. Knives could be transported in here if you need extra room in your checked bag, but I do not suggest putting your optics in your gun case. If this is delays in transportation you are stuck without a gun or optics. No a good way to start a hunting trip of a lifetime.

Lost luggage is a headache, especially in a foreign country, but proper packing of your carry on can make it less of an ordeal. International travel is always accompanied with delays and hiccups, but airline troubles should not dampen your hunting experience. Hopefully these tips will ease your travelling woes and lead to a successful and carefree hunt.