In recent years, the archery industry has seen a decline in consumers. It’s no wonder we are hearing more discussion about the importance of bringing new participants into our world of archery and the outdoors. However, it is just as imperative to discuss the importance of retaining our current population. As we all know, bow life isn’t cheap, so it is essential for us to help each other in order to grow.

Riley Arnold and his wife, Morgan, started Archers Helping Archers as a way to give back to “the family,” that is known as archers and bowhunters. The non-profit organization, is devoted to giving back to the archery community by focusing on helping families, students, and veterans in need. The Arnold’s are always looking for families going through tough times due to incidences that diverted them from their normal, as well as helping veterans trying to return back to civilian life.
Additionally, Archers Helping Archers would like to contribute academically to a young archer’s success. For the 2019-2020 school year, the organization will be awarding one student a $1,000 scholarship. While the current scholarship application time has closed, students can apply for this scholarship on the AHA website. Students eligible for receiving the Archers Helping Archers scholarship must be a High School Junior, High School Senior, College Freshman, or a College Sophomore. To apply, the student must read The Graduate Survival Guide: 5 Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make in College by Anthony O’Neal and Rachel Cruze, write a report (instructions available on the website), fill out an application, and provide references.
Another group the organization wants to assist, is veterans in rehabilitation. Their goal is to give veterans and their families a new hobby, or to support them in their old hobby as archers or bowhunters.
Archers Helping Archers anticipates that with growth, someday they’ll be able to provide a student or a veteran with a fully equipped bow, in hopes that they’ll use it and get others involved in archery and conservation. At this juncture, the money donated goes towards equipment, scholarships, and minimal operational costs to keep the organization running. The organization is looking for archery products to provide on their website for purchase. For every sale, 70% of all dollars would go towards a person or group in need, while 30% will go to Archers Helping Archers to assist with operational costs. Archers may refer themselves, or someone else for assistance.

With a decline in consumers in the archery industry, not only is it crucial to start teaching folks about our industry and lifestyle, but also retaining our current members. Hardships are unpredictable and we never know when our paths in life may be interrupted. Help your fellow archers, students, veterans, and family members by getting involved and donating to Archers Helping Archers.
INSTAGRAM: @archershelpingarchers