Building a good tasting and nutritious salad can be difficult but it definitely doesn’t have to be! This recipe is my go to weeknight salad that’s delicious and filling but not as heavy as pasta. You can add or omit any ingredient that suits your personal taste but this is a great base to start with.

Venison loin, or any other wild-game steaks
Salad base, such as baby spinach, Romaine lettuce or any other greens of your choice
Baby carrots
Avocado slices
Cheese, I used freshly shredded Parmesan
Red onion, sliced or diced
Cooked and chopped bacon
Broccoli, raw
Tomatoes, cherry or slices
To make the salad, I started by rough tearing the baby spinach by hand so it’s easier to eat. For the other veggies, I sliced the carrots longways in quarters, cut the avocados in the ½” cubes and mixed and thinly sliced the red onion. Mix everything with the lettuce.
Chop cherry tomatoes and raw broccoli into desired sized chunks , start cooking bacon and light grill for steaks.
Heat grill to 400 degrees, after defrosting steaks pat dry and salt both sides, cook for 4 minutes on each side for medium rare. The key to a great tasting steak is to not over cook it!
Assemble all ingredients, there’s no measurements to any of these ingredients because it’s all up to how you like your salad and how many people you plan to feed! I prefer to build my salad and then top with cheese.