We, as hunters, will always receive criticism by those who adamantly oppose hunting and/or trapping. We may not always be able to change their opinion, but we can definitely influence the way they see us. We can also influence the opinions of those who fall in the middle, those who are indifferent on the topic. By ensuring we show respect during the process of documenting our harvests, we can limit the negative thoughts others may have. Do your best to convey the humility, respect and reverence you felt for the animal when you took it.
Below are several tips to help ensure the best photographs possible when documenting your harvest, along with photo examples from the Huntress View team.
Take photos before field dressing.
Make sure your weapon is unloaded, it’s not pointed at anyone and don’t take off your hunter orange. Safety is the ultimate priority. No matter what.

Clean the animal and you! Some people carry bottled water and old rags to clean the blood off the animal and restore the bright colors of their harvest.
No tongue. If the tongue is out, put it back in or remove it before photos.
Think about folding the legs under. Roll the animal onto its belly and tuck the legs under the sides of its body, as if it were bedded, to give it a more natural look.
Sit next to or behind your harvest, not on top.

Note the angle of the sun, you’ll want the camera between you and the light or sit in the shade to avoid harsh shadows.
Tip up your hat so everyone can see you and there aren’t shadows on your face.
Skip the tight focus, show the habitat you hunted, the clothing you wore and the legal weapon used (if desired). Leave plenty of space around you and your harvest, you can crop the image later.

Don’t sit too far back in the photo. Don’t be that person who sits 3 feet behind their harvest, arms stretched far out to make it look like a giant. Be true to yourself and be proud of what you have, no matter the size!
Lastly, smile! Be thankful for what you have.
Team member Courtney Schnitzler is ​from Kentucky. Follow her on Instagram at @courtney_schnitzler.
Photos provided by team members Kelly Cohen, Erin Diegel, Teka Doyle, Lora Gene Young and Sarah Honadel.